05.06.2024 – Hurtigoppdatering
We are excited to announce that HeimgardOS version has been deployed to all units registered for testing. The general market release is scheduled for June 24th.
This release has been added to the QA and testers group for testing.
This release of HeimgardOS version focuses on addressing key issues and enhancing system stability and usability across various hardware types. Anchored on our ongoing commitment to improve network management and device performance, this update includes crucial bug fixes, system optimizations, and security improvements aimed at refining user experience and operational efficiency.
View full release note here
08.05.2024 – Hurtigoppdatering
HeimgardOS Release Notes – Detailed Summary
This release has been deployed to all units registered for testing. The general market release is scheduled for May 21.
This release of HeimgardOS version focuses on addressing key issues and enhancing system stability and usability across the CX20 and HX40 hardware types. Anchored on our ongoing commitment to improve network management and device performance, this update includes crucial bug fixes, system optimizations, and security improvements aimed at refining user experience and operational efficiency.
Resolved Issues
Auto-Adjust DHCP Pool Functionality [#366]:
Fixed an issue where devices did not auto-adjust their DHCP pool to avoid IP conflicts when connected to a network using the same DHCP pool. This enhancement ensures dynamic network adjustment, improving reliability and reducing manual configuration needs.
Default WAN Interface Configuration [#396]:
Corrected the ‘cwmp.cpe.default_wan_interface’ setting in defaults from ‘lan’ to ‘wan’. This update standardizes configurations across devices, eliminating discrepancies and potential connection issues.
Traffic Segmentation Disabled [#572]:
Due to performance degradation similar to the guest network limitation, the traffic segmentation feature has been temporarily disabled. This ensures optimal network performance until further solutions are developed.
Update Configuration References to Heimgard.com [#276]:
Updated all system references domain to «heimgard.com» to align with the latest branding guidelines and domain changes.
WPS Functionality on HX40 [#522]:
Addressed an issue where WPS onboarding processes failed to initiate, now ensuring that WPS services start correctly to aid in device connectivity.
Removal of Unsupported 6GHz Network Configuration [#562]:
Removed unsupported 6GHz network settings from configuration files to prevent operational confusion and maintain hardware compatibility.
SSID Update Disconnection Issue [#547]:
Resolved an issue where changing the SSID incorrectly indicated slave node disconnections, now ensuring all network nodes maintain correct connectivity and status displays post-update.
Enable Island Prevention Feature [#566]:
Implemented the Island Prevention feature to enhance network stability by preventing isolated nodes from disrupting overall network functionality.
Timezone Support in Router Agent/LXC [#529]:
Introduced timezone support within the router agent to improve rule and action accuracy across various time zones, enhancing features like parental controls.
Ethernet Client Visibility in Heimgard Connect APP [#528]:
Enhanced the Heimgard Connect APP’s network visibility by incorporating Ethernet clients into the topology and client list, providing a comprehensive network overview.
Stability Issues with Ethernet Connection Between HX40 and CX20 [#574]:
Fixed a severe reboot loop issue when connecting CX20 to HX40 via Ethernet, stabilizing connectivity and preventing system crashes during setup.
Known Issues
Master Node Reboots: In scenarios with numerous Wi-Fi clients and active Wi-Fi roaming, there is a small risk that the master node may reboot. Although this issue is self-correcting, we plan to address it in a future release to enhance system stability.
Onboarding Additional Nodes without App: When adding a second node without using the app, the app may not successfully prompt the onboarding process. If this occurs, please wait a few minutes; the SLAVE node will be correctly onboarded and displayed in the topology map of the app.
Issues with Renaming Nodes: In some cases, renaming nodes in the app may result in names being reset to blank. We are currently investigating this issue and will deploy a maintenance release to resolve it as soon as possible.
Cause of Traffic Segmentation on Wireless: Due to low backhaul performance caused by traffic segmentation, this feature is disabled. This means Wi-Fi guest network will not be isolated in a multi-AP environment. Guest network traffic is only isolated on single AP setups.
Routed IPTV Support: Support for routed IPTV is temporarily disabled in this release due to stability issues. We are working to resolve these problems and plan to reintroduce this feature in an upcoming update.
Timezone support: Timezone support is not implemented into Heimgard Connect APP, to be implemented in Heimgard Connect APP by end of May 2024
HX30: This unit are included in the scope of this release; however, they will not undergo testing.
HeimgardOS stands as a critical update that focuses on enhancing network management, connectivity, and system reliability. With targeted fixes and improvements, this version aims to deliver superior performance and user satisfaction, addressing specific needs and challenges identified in prior builds. This release underscores our commitment to providing robust and reliable networking solutions for both CX20 and HX40 hardware platforms.
24.04.2024 – Hovedoppdatering
HeimgardOS marks a significant update, introducing advanced device support, enhanced onboarding processes, and substantial platform improvements. Building on OpenWRT 23.05.2, this release emphasizes network performance and management enhancements for a superior user experience. Release notes of OpenWRT 23.05.02 can be read here: [OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt 23.05.0 – First Stable Release – 13 October 2023 and here : [OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt 23.05.2 – Service Release – 15. November 2023
Discontinuation of IoT on HeimgardOS
In this release, HeimgardOS has discontinued the integrated IoT functionalities. This strategic shift focuses resources on core network performance and value-added services, aligning with HeimgardOS’s commitment to delivering robust and high-performing network solutions.
New Hardware Platform Support
Support for three new hardware platforms is introduced, expanding the device ecosystem:
• Heimgard Home CX20 (formerly Heimgard Smart Mesh AX1800)
• Heimgard Home CX30 – AX3000
• Heimgard Elite HX30 – AX3000
• Heimgard Elite HX40 – AX3600
Enhanced Onboarding Flow for Heimgard HOME Series
HeimgardOS debuts a new onboarding flow for the CX20 and CX30, defaulting to EasyMesh slave mode for quicker setup. Devices automatically switch to Controller/Master mode if no EasyMesh controller is detected within 120 seconds post-IP assignment. A manual override is also introduced, activated by holding the WPS button for more than 30 seconds.
Container Management and Heimgard Connect APP Enhancements
Updates to container management introduce new Heimgard Connect APP features:
• WPS Onboarding: Simplifies adding new devices.
• WiFi Guest Network: Facilitates guest network setup and management.
• Parental Control: Offers internet access management tools.
• Advanced WAN Settings: Enables detailed network configuration.
New Function for LED Feedback
HeimgardOS 7.3 adds detailed LED feedback for the WPS button’s long-press functionality, enhancing user interaction:
• WPS Long Press for App Join: Between 4 and 15 seconds, LEDs will flash green, green, blue, indicating app join mode.
• WPS Long Press for Multi AP Mode Toggle: Holding the button between 30 and 60 seconds turns the LED solid red, signaling Multi AP mode toggle.
Platform Improvements and Networking Enhancements
• MediaTek & Airoha SDK Updates: Offer improved stability and performance.
• IPTV & QoS Enhancements: Improve multimedia experiences and traffic management.
• Voice Services and Multi-AP Enhancements
• Enhancements to voice services and Multi-AP functionality improve voice quality and mesh networking capabilities.
HeimgardOS for CX20 – Known Issues
1. Wireless Backhaul Connection Issue After upgrading, SLAVE units connected via wireless backhaul may lose connection to the master unit. To re-establish this connection:
• Manually short-press the WPS button on both the master and SLAVE unit within a total interval of 2 minutes. The order in which the units are pressed does not matter.
• Alternatively, connect the SLAVE to the master using an Ethernet cable to ensure stable onboarding. Once the SLAVE’s LED is solid green, it can be relocated as needed.
2. App Join and Re-pairing Requirement The new HeimgardOS 7.3 includes our next-generation app, which requires all users to re-pair their devices:
• Users must delete their previous location and add a new one in the app.
• The app join process requires the unit to be registered in our cloud system for authorization. If there are issues, please have the serial number of your master node ready before contacting customer support. The issue
will be visible that your master node is blinking – red.
3. Master Node Reboots In scenarios with numerous Wi-Fi clients and active wifi roaming, there is a small risk that the master node may reboot. This issue is self-correcting; however, we plan to address this in a future release to enhance system stability.
4. Onboarding Additional Nodes without App When adding a second node without using the app, the app may not successfully prompt the onboarding process. If this occurs, please wait a few minutes; the SLAVE node will be correctly onboarded and displayed in the topology map of the app.
5. Issues with Renaming Nodes In some cases, renaming nodes in the app may result in names being reset to blank. We are currently investigating this issue and will deploy a maintenance release to resolve it as soon as possible.
25.09.2023 – Hurtigoppdatering
Forbedringer og feilrettinger:
1. Bedre Wi-Fi-forbindelse:
– Vi har løst et større problem der enheter noen ganger mistet Wi-Fi-forbindelsen.
TIPS: Hvis du bruker en iPhone og etter oppdateringen fortsatt opplever problemer, velg «glem dette nettverket/Wi-Fi» på enheten din, slik at den legges til nettverket på nytt. Problemet vil da være løst!
2. Ny tilkoblingsfunksjon aktivert:
– Basert på tilbakemeldinger har vi aktivert til en funksjon som enklere lar deg koble sammen flere rutere (kjent som Daisy-Chain) for brukere som benytter flere mesh-enheter (som vårt 3-pakk mesh system).
16.05.2023 – Hovedoppdatering
Forbedringer og feilrettinger:
– Basert på ioWRT 6.5.5
– Container bygget fra siste 2023.3.7-gren
– Justerte wpa_supplicant og hostapd-konfigurasjoner for å redusere gjentilkoblinger på backhaul
– WDS backhaul-lenker er mer stabile nå
– Generell forbedring av Wi-Fi-backhaul-stabilitet
– Forhindret unødvendig restart ved bridge/ruter forandring i førstegangoppsett
– Wifi binær blob oppdateres bare én gang, ikke ved hver oppstart
– Implementerte en tcphy-driver som fikser problemet der du noen ganger bare får 100Mbit-kobling
– Tilbakestilt minneinnstilling på QDMA sirkulære buffere for å forbedre nettverkshastighetsstabiliteten
– Fjernet som sekundær DNS til klienter i rutemodus
– Nå er signalnivå, tilhørende node, IP-adresse og vertsnavnoppdateringer mer korrekte for tilkoblede enheter
– Implementert tilkoblet klientleverandørinformasjon i ruter-agent
– Implementerte portvideresendingsstøtte i ruter-agent
– Fikset et krasj i testnettmodulen når ingen kabel er tilkoblet
– Bruker nå automatisk kanalvalg for alle bånd når du kjører i mesh-modus og forkortet WPS onboarding
– Redusert igmpsnooping-logging, dhcp-leietid endret fra 24t til 1t i rutemodus
– Økt innstilling for sonde og forsøk på nytt for kontrollpolling for å redusere frakoblinger av utvider
– Det er nå mulig å sende feilsøkingslogger fra både Heimgard Connect og Heimgard Smart
– Heimgard smart appen viser nå serienummer fra Heimgard Omni Smart Mesh
– Generelle forbedringer på wifi-trafikkflyt
– Node og tilkoblede enheter har nå en mer korrekt representasjon som appen nå viser.
– Implementert mulighet for å endre navn og slette navn på tilkoblet enhet/klient
– Forberedt for mulighet å endre lokal ip-adresse-tildeling fra
– Endret standardkryptering fra WPA2-PSK til WPA3-blandet (støtter både WPA3-PSK og WPA2-PSK)
– Reduserte anrop til wifi-driveren ved polling av informasjon om tilkoblet enhet
– Forbedret WiFi-opplevelse ved å oppdatere konfigurasjon og korrigere regulatoriske innstillinger
– Forbedret roaming ved å oppdatere hw_nat-modulen og kernel hooks
07.03.2023 – Hurtigoppdatering
– Loop problemer fikset
– Fikset en feil i topologien som fikk enheter som støtter RFC5227 til å koble fra tilfeldig
20.02.2023 – Hurtigoppdatering
– Daisychaining er midlertidig inaktivert. Trådløse noder må ha kontakt med master-node.
– Justerte trådløse innstillinger
– Forhindret trådløse noder som mist kontakt at sende signal/WiFi til enheter for å unngå at enheter er koblet til node uten nett.
– Økt tiden for trådløse noder begynner å lete etter link i tilfelle oppkoblingen feiler i tilfelle masternode restartes
– PPPoE-statusoppdateringer sendes nå korrigert
– Deaktiverer dhcpserver på riktig måte når den er bromodus
– Oppdaterer masternnode før slavenoder oppdateres
– Lagt annen DNS-server ( i tillegg til LAN ip når du er i rutemodus
– Rettet problemer med SSID inneholdende mellomrom
– Inaktivert ipv6 for både DHCP og Bro-modus
08.02.2023 – Hovedoppdatering
– Multiaksesspunkt, stabilitetsfiks
– Fjernet gammel kode som er overflødig etter andre buggfikser
– Når du bytter mellom bro, ruter eller pppoe, gjøres en omstart for å tvinge klienter til å fornye IP
– LiFX-pærer kan nå legges til mesh
– Oppdater trådløs og multiap-konfigurasjon for å matche referanseprogramvare
– Routeragent støtter nå PPPoE wan-tilkobling
– Routeragent gir nå nodebackhaul-informasjon mellom noder
– Endring av mesh-modus lagt til systemappleten
– Multiaksesspunkt, mulighet for MESH/flere Smart mesh enheter
– Onvif-kameraoppdagelse fungerer nå som det skal
– Minnelekkasje i IoT-beholder fikset
– Minnelekkasje i Routeragent fikset
– Versjonsnummer vises nå riktig i Heimgard connect
– Sletting av WIFI-nettverk fra Heimgard Connect fungerer nå
– På trådløse utvidere kan begge LAN-portene brukes nå
– Rettet skrivefeil i datamodell som påvirker visning av signalstyrke
– Roaming mellom noder fungerer nå
– Wifimngr bruker mindre ressurser nå
– Endrer 2,4Ghz standardbåndbredde til 20Mhz
– WIFI BSSID:er er nå beregnet riktig
– Aktivert ZigBee-driver for IOT-tjeneste på nytt