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Manuals and Firmware

Firmware, user and installation manuals for your Heimgard products. If you're connecting a product from another manufacturer, check the list of compatible products.

User manuals

At the bottom of the page , you’ll find user manuals for our products in PDF/digital format.

Click the button below to access the installation and user manuals in web format for quick and easy navigation..

Video manuals

Are you tired of reading instruction manuals?
Check out at our installation videos on Heimgard’s YouTube channel.


If your Heimgard product is connected to a Heimgard Hub, Smart Router, or Smart Mesh System, the device will receive firmware updates over-the-air (OTA). If manual updates are required, you can find firmware for your Heimgard products here.

Here you can download user manuals in PDF

Heimgard User manuals (EN)

Heimgard Hub
Heimgard Hub Pro
Heimgard Hub 4G
Router / MESH
Heimgard OMNI Smart Mesh Router / Node
Heimgard OMNI Smart Mesh System
Electronic door lock
Heimgard Smart Lock
Wattle Electronic Door Lock
Wattle Electronic Multipoint Lock
Security and alarm
Heimgard Smoke Detector
Heimgard Motion Sensor
Heimgard Water Leak Detector
Heimgard Door & Window sensor
Heimgard Vibration Sensor
Heimgard Indoor Siren
Heimgard Keypad
Heimgard CO Detector
Heimgard Combustible Gas Detector
Heimgard Indoor Camera
Heimgard Indoor Camera 2
Heimgard Indoor Camera 360°
Heimgard Indoor 360° Camera 2
Heimgard Outdoor Camera
Heimgard Outdoor Camera 2
Indoor climate and lighting
Heimgard Smart Bulbs (Lighting)
Heimgard Temp-/Humidity Sensor
Heimgard Smart Thermostat 16A 1-pole (White/Black)
Heimgard Rotary Dimmer
Heimgard In-wall Dimmer 400W 1-pole
Heimgard In-wall Dimmer 400W 2-pole
Energy management
Heimgard Smartplug
Heimgard Energy Meter HAN
Heimgard In-wall Switch 16A
Wireless control
Heimgard Wireless Switch 2 Buttons (White/Black)
Heimgard Wireless Switch 4 Buttons (White/Black)
Heimgard Wireless Switch 8 Buttons (White/Black)
Heimgard DIN-Rail Bracket

Heimgard Brukermanualer (NO)

Heimgard Hub
Heimgard Hub Pro
Heimgard Hub 4G
Elektronisk dørlås
Heimgard Smart Lock
Wattle Elektronisk Dørlås
Wattle Elektronisk Multipunktslås
Wattle smartmodul for Wattle touchlås
Sikkerhet og alarm
Heimgard Røykvarsler
Heimgard Dør- /Vindussensor
Heimgard Bevegelsesdetektor
Heimgard Vibrasjonsensor
Heimgard Vannlekkasjesensor
Heimgard Innendørs Sirene
Heimgard Keypad
Heimgard Karbonmonoksid Detektor
Heimgard Detektor for Brennbar Gass
Heimgard Innendørskamera
Heimgard Innendørskamera 2
Heimgard Innendørskamera 360°
Heimgard Innendørs 360° Kamera 2
Heimgard Utendørskamera
Heimgard Utendørskamera 2
Inneklima og belysning
Heimgard Smart Light LED
Heimgard Temperatur- og Luftfuktighetssensor
Heimgard Smartplugg
Heimgard Strømforbuksmåler HAN
Andre manualer
Se [User Manuals (EN)]

Manuals for older products (Archive)

Wattle User manuals (EN)

Wattle Multigateway
Wattle Multigateway Pro
Electronic door lock
Wattle Electronic Door Lock
Wattle Electronic Multipoint Lock
Wattle Wireless Door Module
Wattle Connected Home Door lock
Security and alarm
Wattle Smoke Detector
Wattle Door/Window Sensor
Wattle Motion Sensor
Wattle Water Leak Detector
Wattle Indoor Siren
Wattle Keypad
Wattle Indoor HD Camera
Wattle Outdoor HD Camera
Indoor climate and lighting
Wattle Temp-/Humidity Sensor
Energy management
Wattle Smart Plug
Wattle Smart Cable
Wattle Energy Meter HAN

Wattle Brukermanualer (NO)

Wattle Multigateway
Wattle Multigateway Pro
Elektronisk dørlås
Wattle Elektronisk Dørlås
Wattle Elektronisk Multipunktslås
Wattle Connected Home Dørlås
Wattle smartmodul for Wattle touchlås
Sikkerhet og alarm
Wattle Røykvarsler
Wattle Dør- /Vindussensor
Wattle Bevegelsesdetektor
Wattle Vannlekkasjesensor
Wattle Innendørs Sirene
Wattle Kodepanel
Wattle Innendørskamera HD
Wattle Utendørskamera HD
Inneklima og belysning
Wattle Temperatur- og Luftfuktighetssensor
Wattle Smartplugg
Wattle Smartkabel
Wattle Strømforbuksmåler HAN